Yucca is a widely popular evergreen perennial shrubs and trees in the family Asparagaceae. It has the long leathery pointed blade-like leaves and spire of white flowers and is considered one of the top air cleaning indoor plants.
How To Care
Light: Yucca plants do best in a partly shaded location that receives bright, indirect light.
Water: Water your Yucca liberally during warmer months of the year
Fertilizer: Feed monthly in the spring and summer with a basic houseplant food would be appreciated
Temperature: average home temperatures are best. Cooler in Winter if possible, but not lower than 7°C (45°F).
Potting: planting in a deep heavy container will help prevent the plant from tipping over and repot every two years in Spring.
Pruning: If a yucca plant becomes top-heavy and keeps falling over, cut the trunks off 1/2 way down.