Aptenia Cordifolia (15 – 20cm Spread in 10cm Pot)
Aptenia cordifolia is a low-growing ground cover forming a dense mat very close to the soil surface and, a member of the Fig-marigold family Aizoaceae. The green leaves may be heart-shaped or oval and, the flowers come in shades of bright pink, red, yellow, and purple and are very attractive.
Planting & Care
Sunlight: Aptenia cordifolia likes full sun but can survive in semi-shade.
Soil: Red Aptenia is tolerant of almost any pH level in the soil.
Water: for best performance, water the plant regularly as you would any cactus or succulent.
Fertilizer: 2 times a year in April and July fertilize fertilizer for cacti.
Temperature: In the summer: room, in winter it is desirable not higher than 59 ° F.
Pruning: Early in the springtime, trim plants to remove any stems damaged during the winter.