Here are 10 Oxygen Boosting Plants For Better Breathing
Houseplants are awesome, they brighten up your space and give you a positive vibe. There are options available such as oxygenators and air purifiers, for increasing air quality that is beneficial for both body and mind. Common indoor plants do clean the air by removing some airborne household substances that can be harmful to us. And some plants do it better than others and a valuable weapon in the fight against rising levels of indoor air pollution. The plants will filter out harmful chemicals like formaldehyde and benzene and provide you with oxygen at the same time. Having enough of the right plants can also add moisture to indoor air, which can have a ton of health benefits.
the right amount of humidity in the air can:
relieve dry skin and lips
prevent dry throat
soothe dry sinuses and nasal irritation
prevent nosebleeds
reduce the likelihood of infections and allergies
Healthy living not only includes good food but also includes clean air to breathe. The most important and common causes of indoor air pollution are cooking and heating. There are many health benefits to being near plants, they work hard at cleaning out these toxin air and releasing oxygen back into the atmosphere. The green plants combine with CO2 and water to produce oxygen during photosynthesis. Without plants, we can’t live. Studies by NASA prove certain plants surprisingly useful in absorbing potentially harmful gases and cleaning the air and increase oxygen levels inside homes, indoor public spaces, and office buildings.
Daffodils collected a list of the best houseplants to improve your indoor air quality. Most of these plants are available in our Nursery. Just pick up one or several plants, It’s a great first step to improving the air quality in indoor space. Take care of indoor plants to create a relaxed and happy ambiance. The biggest benefit of these oxygen-producing plants into your lifestyle is, it improves the air quality around you, it helps you to work better through improved concentration and productivity.
Top 10 Air Purifying Houseplants That Improve Your Indoor Air Quality.
1. Areca Palm (Chrysalidocarpus Lutescens)
2. Spider Plant (Chlorophytum)
3. Money Plant (Epipremnum aureum)
4. Ficus / Weeping Fig (Ficus Benjamina)
5. Peace Lily (Spathiphyllum)
6. Boston Fern (Nephrolepis Exaltata)
7. Snake Plant (Sansevieria Trifasciata)
8. Bamboo Palm (Chamaedorea Seifrizii)
9. FICUS ELASTICA (Rubber plant)
10. Aloe Vera (Aloe Vera)
ARECA PALM (Chrysalidocarpus Lutescens):

It’s an indoor elegant Palms tend to be great for adding humidity, and the areca palm also called the butterfly or yellow palm. They need relatively low maintenance and do well in filtered light or bright indirect light. Keep them near a window that gets a lot of sunlight. It needs to be watered often, especially in the spring and summer. For one person, keeping 4 such plants of about 3-4 feet height in your room can provide the best results. This pleasant plant releases lots of moisture into the air, removes toxins very effectively. They can grow up to 6 or 7 feet tall and don’t like crowded roots, so you’ll need to repot it every couple of years as it grows.
Recommendation & Care:
Areca palm needs to be filtered or indirect light. Water it sufficiently daily.
Best Placement:
Living Room

Spider plants are one of the best plants you can buy for increasing indoor humidity, and well known as a champion cleanser of air. This plant is non-poisonous to people and pets, According to research by NASA spider plant will expel around 90% of the potentially cancer-causing chemicals like formaldehyde, and toluene from the air. Also, a spider plant will help to add more oxygen to the air making it a great option for the area in your home where you prepare your meals. Spider plants will produce small white flowers, it’s a greater foliage plant, with splendid green and yellow striped leaves. Their long thin leaves look beautiful in a hanging container.
Recommendation & Care:
Spider plants grow best in bright, indirect sunlight, so try to keep them near a window spot that doesn’t get too hot. It needs well-drained soil and watered two-three times a week
Best Placement:
kitchen and bathrooms
MONEY PLANT (Epipremnum aureum):

The money plant grows quickly and is highly resistant to insect infections. This a powerful air purifying plant, a good choice for cleaning up formaldehyde in the air, as well as adding clean oxygen to your environment. It does not lose it’s color when kept in dark settings and its gold/ cream splashed heart-shaped leaves lend a pleasant visual appeal. Many people say that if you put this plant in the room, the flow of money or sources of income will increase because this plant cleans the chemical toxins from the air and releases fresh air into the atmosphere, which keeps us healthy and reduces our medical expenses. Thereby helps to save our money. Perhaps this may be the reason behind its name.
Recommendation & Care:
This plant grows best in indirect sunlight. If soil is little wet, watering or spraying once or twice a week will do or water when it feels dry. Avoid over-watering. This plant is slightly toxic, it is better to keep it out of the reach of small children and pets.
Best Placement:
Any room or hall.
FICUS / Weeping Fig (Ficus Benjamina):

Weeping fig is an elegant long-lasting leafy plant with slender branches usual than the potted plant, commonly known as Ficus Benjamina. These indoor trees are great air cleaners and they’ll help lower levels of trichloroethylene, benzene, and formaldehyde in your home. The light gray trunk, with dense, glossy dark leaves will make a great addition to your living room. The weeping fig is one of the best plants you can choose to improve the air quality in your home.
Recommendation & Care:
This tree loves bright indirect sunlight and hates wet feet so only water it when the soil is slightly dry. While this plant is poisonous to pets
Best Placement:
living room
PEACE LILY (Spathiphyllum):
Peace Lily is beauty in all its simplicity, Peace lilies will compliment your home decor in the summer when their beautiful white flowers are in full bloom. one of NASA’s best-known cleansing plants for removing common household toxins. Easy to care for. The moisture given off by these striking flowers can boost a room’s humidity by up to 5%. This way, you can say goodbye to those irritating dry noses and sleep peacefully. The peace lily is not only a great natural air purifier, but it’s also really pretty to look at.
Recommendation & Care:
This plant does well in shady and no-sunlight areas. It is enough to water it every two to three days in the summer season and four to five days in winter. Lilies are toxic to pets
Best Placement:
the perfect plant to decorate your bathroom area
BOSTON FERN (Nephrolepis Exaltata):
Experts say Boston ferns are well worth the maintenance because of their air-purifying abilities. Ferns are very popular houseplants excellent at removing a variety of indoor air pollutants and offers beauty and health benefits together. These plants act as humidifiers and can help to restore moisture in the indoor. They look lovely in hanging baskets all around the home.
Recommendation & Care:
make sure it gets a lot of indirect sunlight by placing it in a bright part of the room. With a bit of regular misting and watering, it should thrive better
Best Placement:
near the bathroom area
SNAKE PLANT (Sansevieria Trifasciata):
Snake plant or is even known as ‘the mother-in-law’s tongue’ is one of the most recommended plants for improving air quality in the home. The most surprising thing about this plant is that it converts carbon dioxide into oxygen in the night, and Considered a highly efficient air purifier through the removal of benzene, formaldehyde, trichloroethylene, xylene, and toluene. This plant is a very hardy plant and easy to grow. It can tolerate any light Conditions and also requires less watering like weekly once or max twice. One person, 6 to 8 plants are recommended for the best results.
Recommendation & Care:
The Snake Plant does well in window light and needs to be watered weekly.
Best Placement:
best in bedrooms and living rooms
Bamboo Plant (Lucky bamboo):

If you have a neglected corner in your home that could use a little makeover, the bamboo palm is the perfect plant to add a calm, peaceful feeling to any environment. The bamboo plant is one of the best air-purifying plants to toxins from indoor air. It is also a natural humidifier making it all the more useful during the dry winter seasons. A well-cared-for bamboo plant can grow up to six feet indoors and will give out oxygen and absorb carbon dioxide from the environment.
Recommendation & Care:
do well in low light conditions and only wants to be watered when the soil is looking dry. It requires regular pruning as it grows rapidly. Since it is non-toxic it is safe for pets.
Best Placement:
Living corner
FICUS ELASTICA (Rubber plant):
Ficus Elastica Plant is recommended by NASA considered as one of the best indoor plants for air purification. Commonly known as the rubber plant, The shiny leaves look great in most homes and fill the space in an empty corner quickly. Rubber plants improve air quality by converting exhaled carbon dioxide into breathable oxygen through the leaves. They also have a high transpiration rate and helping to remove formaldehyde, one of the most common toxins found in our indoor air.
Recommendation & Care:
Rubber plants prefer bright, indirect light, keep the soil moist
Best Placement:
best for Living room window

Aloe vera is a succulent, putting it in the same general family as cacti. They grow quite slowly and have thick fleshy spear-like leaves. Aloe vera is widely known for its many healing and health-giving abilities. This has been used for ages in medicines, beauty products, and health drinks. It is a well-known plant that emits oxygen at night time whilst simultaneously taking in carbon dioxide something we naturally produce when breathing. All this leads to a purer quality of air and a better night’s sleep. It will target benzene and formaldehyde. The healing properties found in the gel of Aloe Vera leaves helps to heal cuts and burns. You can keep about 4-6 plants in your room for the best results.
Recommendation & Care:
They are easy to care and require very little watering and do well in indirect light or shade.
Best Placement:
bedrooms and living areas