Ehretia Microphylla
A very small genus of tropical outdoor plants for dramatic designs. Makes rich landscaping forms and an ornament renowned for its variegated green foliage. It can be grown outdoors in warm climates
How To Care
Light: The tree can tolerate different light situations, from sunny to shady.
Water: ideally grown in moist soil that is well-drained. It is best to allow the soil to dry slightly between watering. Over-watering will lead to root rot. Underwatering will cause the leaves to blacken and fall off.
Fertilizer: During the growing season, the plant should be fed once a week with a half-strength fertilizer that is specific to bonsai trees. Do not feed the plant for at least two weeks whenever the tree is re-potted or transplanted.
Temperature: Ehretia prefers temperatures between 60-72 Fahrenheit.
Potting: By seed or softwood cuttings in spring or summer
Pruning: it is generally styled through pruning, Prune new shoots after six to eight leaves have appeared.